
Your location:Website homepage>>Product Center>>DAMAGE X brand seismic labels in both Chinese and EnglishDAMAGE X brand seismic labels in both Chinese and English
Impact&Indicator (Export 75G)
  • Impact&Indicator (Export 75G)

  • Product classification:DAMAGE X brand seismic labels in both Chinese and English
  • Our website price:¥0.00
  • Market price:¥0.00
  • The DAMAGE X brand damage warning label is affixed to the outer surface of the packaging, and records and displays the occurrence of abnormal vibrations through a color change of a special liquid glass tube embedded on the label. When the goods with vibration labels are subjected to abnormal vibrations during transportation, exceeding a certain limit G value, the color of the glass tube will change from white to red, quickly and permanently recording this abnormal vibration. By designing labels with different sensitivities, sensing and indication can be made from different vibration situations.
    Keywords: vibration monitoring, vibration sensitivity, drop, logistics packaging and transportation

    Reference critical G value 5G 25G 37G 50G 75G
    *Color Blue Yellow Purple Red Orange
    Reference rules for selecting Damage X anti damage warning labels:
    The selection of indicator labels depends on the volume of the goods (length * width * height) and the weight of the goods; The larger the volume and the heavier the weight, the more sensitive the type of goods to choose. Other factors that should also be considered——
    ·Packaging materials; When the packaging design is quite stable and the damage rate is low, the type with lower sensitivity can be selected;
    ·The precision of the goods themselves; If the goods are quite exquisite and have high transportation requirements, it is necessary to choose the type with high sensitivity;
    ·Product protection points and weight centers; When the product design is particularly special, such as being heavy on the head and light on the feet, the transportation requirements are also relatively high. Therefore, the type with high sensitivity should be selected
    Volume of goods (cubic meters)

    Weight (kg) 0.001-0.030 0.031-0.135 0.136-0.400 0.401-1.350 1.351+
    0-4.5 Green Green Orange Orange Red
    4.6-11.25 Green Orange Orange Red Red
    11.7-22.5 Orange, Red, Red, Purple
    23-45 Orange Red Purple Purple
    45.5-112.50 Red Red Purple Purple Yellow
    113-450 Red Red Purple Yellow Yellow
    451+- Purple Yellow Yellow Yellow

    Note 1. The packaging of the product and the texture of the packaging materials may affect the relationship between drop height and label discoloration;

    2. This table is for reference only. It is recommended that users conduct actual drop tests based on their product packaging and other conditions to find
    Go to the sensitivity label that best suits your product protection.
Product ordering hotline:0755-23777190


The DAMAGE X brand damage warning label is affixed to the outer surface of the packaging, and records and displays the occurrence of abnormal vibrations through a color change of a special liquid glass tube embedded on the label. When the goods with vibration labels are subjected to abnormal vibrations during transportation, exceeding a certain limit G value, the color of the glass tube will change from white to red, quickly and permanently recording this abnormal vibration. By designing labels with different sensitivities, sensing and indication can be made from different vibration situations

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