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TILT XTR PLUS Multi angle Anti tilt Label
  • TILT XTR PLUS Multi angle Anti tilt Label

  • Product classification:TILT XTR 80 degree anti tilt label
  • Our website price:¥0.00
  • Market price:¥0.00
  • The Tilt xtr Plus is a true single item 3-segment recorder. The copper beads of the first recorder display the true angle of the product tilting to the left, the copper beads of the second recorder display the true angle of tilting to the right, and the copper beads of the third recorder indicate that the goods have been completely inverted. The three recorders of this Tilt xtr Plus jointly monitor and control the entire transportation process. The copper beads do not return to their original positions after movement, making it an immutable all-round tilt monitoring sticker
Product ordering hotline:0755-23777190


The Tilt xtr Plus is a true single item 3-segment recorder. The copper beads of the first recorder display the true angle of the product tilting to the left, the copper beads of the second recorder display the true angle of tilting to the right, and the copper beads of the third recorder indicate that the goods have been completely inverted. The three recorders of this Tilt xtr Plus jointly monitor and control the entire transportation process, and the copper beads will not return to their original positions after movement. It is an immutable all-round tilt monitoring sticker.

There are two types of anti tilt indicators: regular and reinforced. The following table compares the specifications and characteristics of the two types:


Tilt xtr

Tilt xtr Plus


3&Prime& Times; 21\/8&Prime& Times; 3\/8″

4.63&Prime& Times; 4.63&Prime& Times; 0.25″

temperature range

100° F~160° F (37.7° C~71.1° C)

- 40° F~140° F (-40 ° C~60 ° C)

Monitoring scope

360° Internal and external monitoring

360° Internal and external monitoring

Activate angle

Horizontal tilt 80°

30°, 40°, 50°, 60°, 70°, 80° Tilt indicator

Induction type

Silver non-magnetic steel disc

Gold non-magnetic copper beads

Reverse indicator



Independent encoding



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