Anti tilt labelIt can significantly reduce packaging costs, reduce traditional over packaging and weak packaging phenomena, and is now widely used in large equipment, logistics, military and other fields. Some special requirements, especially those for exported goods, aim to maintain the honor of the country through economic losses.
Product features: The cargo tilt monitor can easily display whether the cargo has tilted, horizontally placed, or inverted during transportation and handling. adoptAnti tilt labelYou can take action based on the design of specific tilt angles to handle and handle your goods more carefully, which can be used for monitoring economic and extensive cargo transportation processes. In case of an accident, you can quickly find the person in charge and obtain the accident certificate.
It is possible to 1. accurately identify the root cause of violations of operating procedures during packaging and transportation. 2. reduce the loss rate of goods during storage and transportation by more than 50%. 3. ensure product quality. 4. pay attention to the goods. 5. evaluate the scope of application of packaging technology. The goods tilt angle monitor is the best choice that requires the goods to be upright during transportation, with a tilt angle not exceeding a certain requirement, and does not affect normal vibration. Even if suddenly started, it will not cause activation. Therefore, it is commonly used for goods that are difficult to transport and handle, such as large equipment, server equipment, heavy and heavy equipment, large medical equipment, etc.
Version and model: ftm01a (English version); Ftm01b (Chinese version)
Monitoring scope: Cargo tilting.
As for the numerical value, activate the horizontal tilt and≥ 75° In the activated state, the red abnormal area is transmitted to the safe area.
3 inches, 76mm x 61mm x 6mm team material is high-strength polyethylene ecological material; Special indicator distribution is a warning large label bagging, 120 pieces\/box, 5 boxes\/box installation method: external or internal storage period of 3 years, applicable temperature range of 40° F to 140° F (-40 ° C to 60 ° C)