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MAG2000 Cyclic Shock Indicator Shockwatch
  • MAG2000 Cyclic Shock Indicator Shockwatch

  • Product classification:MAG2000 recyclable shock indicator
  • Our website price:¥220.00
  • Market price:¥270.00
  • When choosing the sensitivity of MAG2000, the first thing to consider is the shipping weight and fragility of the goods (low, average or high).

    Low brittleness zone: suitable for visible and concealed damage situations, where a single extreme impact can cause damage to the product.

    Average brittleness: Suitable for using standard transportation methods in products with moderate stability and survivability.

    High brittleness zone: suitable for hiding critical locations in case of damage. Typically, these products will be composed of low durability components, such as data storage drivers, optical lens systems, or any other products that require * * * alignment.

    MAG 2000 has three different response directions, which use a double letter format to define installation direction and configuration. These combinations are:

    1. HH is used to sense horizontal, impact and install on a horizontal plane. (Horizontal installation, horizontal configuration, installed on a horizontal surface, such as the top of a box, configured to respond to the horizontal impact of the device marked with * * * values).

    VV is used to sense vertical impacts and installed on vertical surfaces. (Vertical installation, vertical configuration. Used for installation on a vertical surface, such as the side of a box. configured to respond to vertical impacts of * * * values on the device).

    3. VH is used to feel the horizontal impact, but is installed on a vertical surface (vertical installation, horizontal configuration. Used for installation on a vertical surface, such as the side of a box. configured to respond to a horizontal impact device marked with * * * values).

    Product Description Installation and Usage Instructions

    Each MAG 2000 is labeled with information that determines the installation direction and unit threshold settings based on the installation direction. Each MAG 2000 is set to be installed on the threshold of the unit according to the recommended installation direction. Due to the ability of MAG 2000 to respond to very low acceleration values, the influence of gravity must be considered. Each MAG 2000 is set to compensate for acceleration caused by gravity based on the recommended installation direction. When the installation direction changes, MAG 2000 will also respond to unset acceleration values.

Product ordering hotline:0755-23777190

The ShockWatch MAG 2000 impact indicator is an economical and reusable device used to monitor the handling of fragile goods and containers weighing over 500 pounds. This device is also widely used in rail cars and truck fleets to monitor excessive impacts in raised or locked areas.

MAG2000 can provide visual deterrence against improper handling; Make operators unconsciously reduce erroneous operations, provide indisputable evidence of improper handling, and remind recipients to inspect the goods before acceptance. It can better promote the improvement of the responsibility chain for handling all products and encourage the consignee to confirm the effectiveness of packaging. It can also help identify failure points in the supply chain from production, transportation, and warehousing processes to improve product quality from shipment to storage.

1、 Applicable scope

Automotive and truck components, energy and utilities, biotechnology and * * *, electronic computer hardware, metal manufacturing, industrial equipment, textiles, * * * equipment and supplies, aerospace and defense, consumer electronics, furniture and fixtures, advertising, automotive and truck manufacturers, logistics\/transportation and storage, consumer products, mining, scientific and technological instruments, etc.

2、 Product specifications

3、 MAG2000 Selection

When choosing the sensitivity of MAG2000, the first thing to consider is the shipping weight and fragility of the goods (low, average or high).

Low brittleness zone: suitable for visible and concealed damage situations, where a single extreme impact can cause damage to the product.

Average brittleness: Suitable for using standard transportation methods in products with moderate stability and survivability.

High brittleness zone: suitable for hiding critical locations in case of damage. Typically, these products will be composed of low durability components, such as data storage drivers, optical lens systems, or any other products that require * * * alignment.

MAG 2000 has three different response directions, which use a double letter format to define installation direction and configuration. These combinations are:

1. HH is used to sense horizontal, impact and install on a horizontal plane. (Horizontal installation, horizontal configuration, installed on a horizontal surface, such as the top of a box, configured to respond to the horizontal impact of the device marked with * * * values).

VV is used to sense vertical impacts and installed on vertical surfaces. (Vertical installation, vertical configuration. Used for installation on a vertical surface, such as the side of a box. configured to respond to vertical impacts of * * * values on the device).

3. VH is used to feel the horizontal impact, but is installed on a vertical surface (vertical installation, horizontal configuration. Used for installation on a vertical surface, such as the side of a box. configured to respond to a horizontal impact device marked with * * * values).

4、 Product Description

5、 Installation and usage instructions

Each MAG 2000 is labeled with information that determines the installation direction and unit threshold settings based on the installation direction. Each MAG 2000 is set to be installed on the threshold of the unit according to the recommended installation direction. Due to the ability of MAG 2000 to respond to very low acceleration values, the influence of gravity must be considered. Each MAG 2000 is set to compensate for acceleration caused by gravity based on the recommended installation direction. When the installation direction changes, MAG 2000 will also respond to unset acceleration values.

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