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Let's break it down into two points and discuss the current ambiguity of anti tilt labels

Release date:2022-08-09 10:58:28

Let's break it down into two points and discuss the current ambiguity of anti tilt labels

WeDivided into two pointsTell me about the current situationAnti tilt labelThe ambiguity of.
It is unclear to determine the magnitude of external influences in the process:Anti tilt labelIt determines the size of the impact on the package during the distribution process. Usually, the height of descent is chosen. Later, I will introduce a curve that shows the relationship between ridge height, probability of occurrence, and packaging weight, but this curve is only a sexual relationship. The condition is determined by the quantitative method of impact amplitude provided in the literature, but there is ambiguity in not calculating the probability of various fall heights. The conclusions proposed in the literature are also ambiguous, as there are not many anti tilt labels. Considering the changes in actual delivery environmental conditions. In packaging design, it is not always possible to grasp the actual state of distributed impact. Therefore, anti tilt labels typically follow the existing distribution environment materials. The anti tilt label is in a poor state, conservative, and has a significant ambiguity.