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CLARIANT BYD Modern Car Lamp Moisture proof Desiccant
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CLARIANT BYD Modern Car Lamp Moisture proof Desiccant1Anti fog desiccant

Product Introduction:Container Dri II, abbreviated as CD II, is produced by SUD-CHEMIC, a German company based in Singapore; During the long-distance transportation or storage of containers, the huge temperature difference between day and night at sea causes the high-temperature air rich in water vapor inside the container to be locked during the day. At night, due to the decrease in temperature, the water vapor reaches supersaturation, often experiencing a high humidity climate in the ocean and strong day night temperature difference changes. The temperature change can range from 0 ℃ to 80 ℃, and the temperature can reach up to 98%, which is the condensation phenomenon. When the temperature is 30 ℃, the water content in the air is 30.4g\/m3. When the temperature drops from 30 ℃ to 18 ℃, the water vapor content will decrease to 15.4 g\/m3. The other water vapor condenses into water. If the container is 40 feet tall, it will produce 1000g of condensate, which is commonly known as&quo; Container Rain; Causing a very negative impact on the packaging image of the goods

Container Dri II produces a new type of desiccant composite, particularly suitable for container transportation. Under conditions of 25 ℃ and relative humidity of 80%, the maximum capacity for adsorbing water vapor can exceed 280%, achieving the highest performance of similar foreign products.

Product usage method: Simply place it in different directions inside the container, and the specific quantity depends on the type of goods, packaging materials, transportation cycle, climate changes during transportation (temperature and humidity changes), moisture-proof standards, etc. Generally, a 20 foot container needs to adsorb 8-16 kilograms of water vapor. If container Dri II desiccant with an adsorption capacity of 280% is used, 3-4 kilograms need to be placed, that is, container Dri II needs to use 6 kilograms; 8 pieces of 4-pack 560 grams, using 12 for a 40 foot box; 16 pieces in 4 packs, 560 grams.

Product application and features:Container Dri II can not only be used in container ocean transportation, but also in container aviation, railway, road transportation, and cargo storage. It can also be directly applied in moisture-proof packaging of large machinery, electronics, communication and other equipment.

1. Easy to absorb, each pack weighs only 25 grams;

2. High moisture absorption characteristics, with a moisture absorption rate of no less than 300%.

3. The improved new packaging adopts one-way transmission technology, allowing moisture to enter the packaging and fully contact with CD2, while the condensed water and gel cannot seep out.

4. New welding edge sealing technology completely prevents edge damage.

5. It will not cause potential pollution to high-value goods.

6. It has a long usage period, usually up to 3-4 months, and can be reused after being sun dried.

7. Absolute safety, CD2 does not contain any toxic substances, simple post-use treatment, and does not require any special recycling,

Just use a regular garbage collection program.

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